3rd Wingerworth (All Saints) Scout Group
currently has three Sections:

6 – 8
8 – 10.5
10.5 – 14

3rd Wingerworth Scout Group is a Sponsored Scout Group. We are sponsored by All Saints Church. As part of this sponsorship we take part in various Church services (held at All Saints) each year. As a member of 3rd Wingerworth Scout Group you will be expected to attend all services (approx 3 per year).

To register on our waiting list for all three Sections – please take a look at the Waiting List Policy and submit your details to Join via the Waiting List Register page.

The following Sections are run by the Chesterfield District and can be contacted via the Chesterfield District Website;

14 – 18
18 – 25

Other Groups

If you are interested in joining another Group then please use the following links;
Groups within the Chesterfield District – Use the District Website contact here.
Other Groups – Please use the national application form and the HQ staff at Gilwell Park will put you in touch with a suitable group.

Adults and Helpers

We are always on the lookout for new adults and helpers for all our sections. Whether you want to take up a uniformed role or help out on an occasional basis in a non-uniform role you will be most welcome. Please use our Contact page to get in touch. Don’t worry, we don’t throw you in a the deep end straight away and the Scout Association has a comprehensive training programme to develop you in the role you choose particularly if you want to work directly with our Beavers, Cubs or Scouts.

Alternatively you can become part of the Scout Active Support Unit (SAS);
Open to all adults – the Scout Active Support Unit allows people to give their time to Scouting on a flexible basis.  People can still be involved in Scouting without the full-time commitment of being a leader.  There is no requirement to have been involved in Scouting before joining.  All that is required is a willingness to volunteer some time to support Scouting.  To get in touch with our local SAS Unit please contact the District Commissioner (dc@chesterfielddistrictscouts.org.uk).