Within the 3rd Wingerworth (All Saints) Scout Group – places within Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will be allocated in the following priority order;

  1. Children moving between Sections within the Group (Beavers to Cubs and Cubs to Scouts).
  2. The children or grandchildren of Leaders and full time helpers.
  3. Children living within the parish of Wingerworth.
  4. Children living outside the parish of Wingerworth but who have a sibling in one of the Sections within 3rd Wingerworth Scout Group.
  5. Other children living outside the parish of Wingerworth.

As soon as a place becomes available – you will be contacted by the relevant Section Leader.  If your child does not get a place in the first section (eg Beavers) – then they will remain on the waiting list and be considered for the next section (eg Cubs).
Within these groups – priority will be allocated to those children who have been on the waiting list the longest.

Note: As membership for Scouting is growing we recommend that you also add your child’s name to the waiting list for other groups in the area who may have spaces available sooner.
To be entered onto the waiting list the child must be at least 5 Years old.  If a child is registered via the website who is younger than 5 – then the registration will be deleted and the applicant advised.

If a parent wishes to appeal this policy they are invited to make a representation and put forward their case to the Scout Executive Committee where a final decision will be made.  Please use our Contact page to get in touch.

Approved by the Group Executive Committee – 2 January 2018