Welcome back from the Easter Break.

We are all raring to go and have quite a busy term ahead.  As well as the weekly programme’s for Beavers, Cubs & Scouts we have the following events in the calendar – other Dates for your diary can be found here;

St George’s Parade

We will be attending the Parade on Sunday 28 April – Click here for the letter that was handed out this week

In ‘Scouting for Boys’, Baden-Powell referred to the Knights of the Round Table in the Arthurian Legend, and to St George who was their Patron Saint.

He then went on: ‘He is also the Patron Saint of Scouts everywhere. Therefore all Scouts should know his story. St George was typical of what a Scout should be.

‘When he was faced by a difficulty or danger, however great it appeared, even in the shape of a dragon – he did not avoid it or fear it but went at it with all the power he could… That is exactly the way a Scout should face a difficulty or danger no matter how great or how terrifying it may appear. He should go at it boldly and confidently, using every power that he can to try and overcome it, and the probability is that he will succeed.

‘St George’s Day is April 23, and on that day, Scouts remind themselves of their Promise and Scout Law. Not that a Scout ever forgets either but, on St George’s Day, he makes a special point of thinking about them. Remember this when April 23 comes round again.’

Group Camp

You should all have recieved the final letter providing more details about the camp.  Final payments and Permission form are due in by 29th April.

You can download the letter here.

Supporters Committee AGM

A core part of our facilities is the “Wingerworth Scout and Guide Supporters Committee”.  This committee comprises a small group of volunteer parents, friends and Leaders who look after the day to day running and upkeep of the Hutt and equipment that help facilitate the successful Scout and Guiding community within Wingerworth.

You are all invited to attend the AGM – the letter that was handed out this week can be downloaded here.

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